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Server homepage for a Shadows Rising game. Account Login Username: Password: 0 Members Online Jan 31, 2017 · Few days ago I created this bot. Today I was trying to build exe file for this bot to share it here but failed to install tesserocr in vps. So I will just share the source code here, hoping someone will complete this bot. Here's what the bot does: 1. Goes to login page 2. Tries to Ovo je platforma koja vam daje besplatne bitcoin-e odnosno satoshi-e.
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Server homepage for a Shadows Rising game. Account Login Username: Password: 0 Members Online Jan 31, 2017 · Few days ago I created this bot. Today I was trying to build exe file for this bot to share it here but failed to install tesserocr in vps. So I will just share the source code here, hoping someone will complete this bot. Here's what the bot does: 1. Goes to login page 2. Tries to Ovo je platforma koja vam daje besplatne bitcoin-e odnosno satoshi-e.
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