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V používateľskej príručke aplikácie Nájsť pre Mac si prečítajte časť o vyhľadávaní ľudí. Vyhľadávanie zariadení Vyhľadanie zariadenia: Polohu iPhonu, iPadu, iPodu touch, počítača Mac, hodiniek Apple Watch alebo slúchadiel AirPods si môžete zobraziť na mape.
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Native Mac apps built with Mac Catalyst can share code with your iPad apps, and you can add more features just for Mac. In macOS Big Sur, you can create even more powerful versions of your apps and take advantage of every pixel on the screen by running them at native Mac resolution. * Trade‑in values will vary based on the condition, year, and configuration of your trade‑in device. You must be at least 18 years old to be eligible to trade in for credit or for an Apple Gift Card. Not all devices are eligible for credit. More details are available from Appleʼs Mac trade‑in partner. Restrictions and limitations may apply. Download and install the Microsoft OneDrive app for PC, Mac, iOS, and Android.
So službou Google Earth pre Chrome sa môžete za pár sekúnd dostať kamkoľvek a preskúmať stovky 3D miest priamo vo svojom Aplikácia je k dispozícii pre PC, Mac alebo Linux. V zákazníckej zóne Moje O2 si môžete kedykoľvek skontrolovať spotrebu, pozrieť svoju faktúru, aktivovať extra balíčky alebo si dobiť kredit. The best Wikipedia experience on your Mobile device. Ad-free and free of charge, forever.
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Restrictions and limitations may Mac Catalyst. Native Mac apps built with Mac Catalyst can share code with your iPad apps, and you can add more features just for Mac. In macOS Big Sur, you can create even more powerful versions of your apps and take advantage of every pixel on the screen by running them at native Mac resolution. * Trade‑in values will vary based on the condition, year, and configuration of your trade‑in device. You must be at least 18 years old to be eligible to trade in for credit or for an Apple Gift Card. Not all devices are eligible for credit. More details are available from Appleʼs Mac trade‑in partner. Restrictions and limitations may apply.
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